
    倒装句是英语语法最难?no no, 小学英语水平就能包学包会。小编在这里整理了相关知识,快来学习学习吧!
    Never will I give up.
    Seldom does he go to the cinema.
    In no case will this be possible!
    Under no circumstance can he be told the truth.
    I will never give up.
    句中除Never以外是:I will give up.
    变成一般疑问句语序:will I give up. (是不是小学水平就可以)
    放在刚才的Never 后面:
    Never will I give up.
    Bingo! 否定倒装句就写好啦!So easy对不对
    现在再看看刚才的第二句,如果不倒装, 原来的句子是:
    He seldom goes to thecinema.
    He goes to the cinema.
    改成:does he go to the cinema.
    Seldom does he go to the cinema.
    In no case will this be possible!
    Under no circumstance can he be told the truth.
    句中in no case, under no circumstance是两个词组,大家就把这两个词组看成Never就行啦,都是“从不,绝不”的意思,只是表达高级了一丢丢。现在再看这两句话,是不是知道他们是怎么倒装的了?
    no, never, little, seldom,hardly, scarcely, rarely, few
    on no account, in no case,under no circumstance, by no means, at no point/time (这些词组看着复杂,其实都是never的意思啦)
    By no means(=Never)will my performance be satisfactory to my teacher.
    In no country other than UK(否定词组,意思是:除了英国以外没有国家) can people experience(v. 经历) four seasons in a single day!
    I hardly think this mission possible.
    You may use that computer under no circumstance.
























    渔民;渔夫(pl. fishermen)












































