
    学过100百以内数字的念法后,我们来看看3位以上的数字又该如何念吧。其实除了 thousand(千), million(百万), billion(十亿) 这几个是新词,其他就是把之前所学的拼凑起来罢了,但是数字一多人就容易犯晕,所以大家要细心一点哟!
    202读作:two hundred and two
    234读作:two hundred and thirty-four
    1,234读作:one thousand two hundred and thirty-four
    注意:这里的 hundred 不能加复数后缀s。
    汉语和英语数字表达的方式不同。汉语是个,十,百,千,万,十万,百万,千万,亿,十亿,也就是以十的倍数来表示;而英语则是在数字超过千以后,以千(thousand)的倍数来表达的。如一万是十千,即 ten thousand;十万是百千,即 hundred thousand,直至百万,million。百万以上的数字则用百万的倍数表达;如千万是十百万,即 ten million;亿是百百万,即 hundred million,直至十亿,billion。 所以英文表达数字时可以从右往左,三位一逗号,逗号从右往左分别对应的是:thousand, million, billion, etc。
    例如:1207210472,可以先处理成1,207,210,472,这样这个数字用英文完整的读作:one billion two hundred and seven million two hundred and ten thousand four hundred and seven-two
    注意: 这里的 thousand, million, billion 的后面也不能加复数后缀s。
    eleven thousand two hundred and thirty-four
    one hundred and fifty-five thousand, seven hundred and twenty-one
    six million, one hundred and fifty-five thousand, seven hundred and two
    twenty-six million and eight
    three hundred and twenty-six million, four hundred and fourteen thousand, seven hundred and eighteen
    four billion three hundred and two million
    He is taller than I.(口语中常作:He is taller than me.)
    He is two heads taller than I.
    二、在which, or?句中,表示两者比较:
    Which is bigger, the sun or the moon?
    Its getting darker and darker.
    He is getting more and more interested in sports.
    四、The more, the more:
    The more you eat, the more you want.
    五、形容词比较级前可受 much, far, a lot, still, no, a little, even, any 修饰,表示超出的程度:
    We have a much better life now.
    The buildings look far uglier in London than here.
    This story is even more interesting than that one.
    I made a lot more mistakes than you (did)。
    Your cake is a little larger than mine.
    Its still colder today.
    -Have you any more? -Oh, sorry, no more.
    Shes no better yet.
    too small 太小了 look at 看 at a party在聚会上
    get up起床 at+时间点 在___点 go to school去上学
    go to work去工作 have lunch吃午餐
    play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 watch
    TV看电视 go home回家 on Sundays在每个星期日
    in the sky在天空中 a very big city一个很大的城市
    go swimming去游泳 go skating 去滑冰
    at the park在公园 at the zoo在动物园 live in 居住在
    by+交通工具 walk to/run to走着去/跑着去
    have a good weekend周末愉快
    at the weekend在周末 read books读书
    play the piano 弹钢琴 listen to CDs听唱片
    play the drums敲鼓 fly kites放风筝
    in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天
    Chinese New Year中国新年 play football踢足球
    a happy Christmas一个快乐的圣诞节 in the U.K.在英国
    have a big dinner吃一顿大餐 sing songs唱歌 come on加油
    1. I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+V.(原)+……. 例子: I like sweets.(我喜欢甜品)
    He/she/it/单数名词+V(.s/es)+……. 例子:My mother watches TV on Sundays.(我妈妈星期天看电视)
    2. I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+don’t+V.(原)+……. 例子:I don’t like meat.(我不喜欢吃肉)
    He/she/it/单数名词+doesn’t+V(.原)+……. She doesn’t like these trousers.(她不喜欢这条裤子)
    3.Do+ I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+V.(原)+……?
    例子:Do you like bananas? (你喜欢香蕉吗)Yes,___ do.
    No,I don’t. No,I don’t.
    Does+ he/she/it/单数名词+V.(原)+……?
    例子:Does your mother go swimming on Sundays?(.妈星期天去游泳吗?)
    Yes,____does. No,____doesn’t. Yes,she does.