
    万圣节究竟怎么来的?其实在天主教会里面,十一月一日是诸圣节 (All Saints Day),隔天十一月二日则为万灵节(All Souls Day,或译为追思亡者节 ),可以说是万圣节的起源。小编整理了万圣节的由来中文和英文版精选,希望能帮助到您。

    又到了一年一度的万圣节,万圣节 是在每年的十月三十一日,当天晚上打扮得很像鬼,愈吓人愈好。小孩子则忙着挨家挨户要糖果,而且不忘说句「 Trick or treat, 」 (给糖吃,不然就捣蛋 )。
    Went to the annual Halloween, Halloween is October 31 of each year, the evening dress is very like a ghost, the more scary the better. Children are busy going door to door to be candy, but did not forget to tell the "Trick or treat," .
    万圣节究竟怎么来的?其实在天主教会里面,十一月一日是诸圣节 (All Saints Day),隔天十一月二日则为万灵节(All Souls Day,或译为追思亡者节 ),可以说是万圣节的起源。
    What Halloween how come? In fact, inside the Catholic Church, Nov. 1 is All Saints 'Day (All Saints Day), the next day, November 2, compared with All Souls' Day (All Souls Day, or translated to the memorial of the dead festival), we can say that Halloween origin.
    Some Catholic believers will be alive with ultra virtue canonized in recognition of those believers, side by side for the model followed by other believers. But because believers with extraordinary virtue in fact a lot of it is just unknown, for those who did not fail no smell, the church is not to be established as a saint, it seems a bit unfair, so the All Saints' Day, Memorial All saints canonized by the church and should be canonized, but not the canonization of believers.
    其实,早在西元前数世纪,凯尔特人(Celts,居住在苏格兰、威尔斯及爱尔兰等地)便在十月三十一日的时候,庆祝一个名为「 Samhain 」的节日。因为在十月底,活人世界跟死人世界之间的界线会变得模糊,因此死人的灵魂很容易进入活人的世界,跟我们农历七月开鬼门的传说很像。在那一天,大家会穿着奇装异服,在外面游行,希望能把外面的孤魂野鬼给吓跑。
    In fact, as early centuries BC, Celtic (Celts, living in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, etc.) will be at the time of October 31, the celebration called "Samhain" festival. Because in the end of October, the boundaries between the world of the living with the dead world will become blurred, so the spirits of the dead can easily enter the world of the living, with the lunar month we opened the door ghost legends like. On that day, everyone will be wearing fancy dress, outside the parade in the hope that the outside of the ghosts to scare.
    至于南瓜灯的由来,与爱尔兰的一个传说有关。相传古时候有个人名叫 Jack,一天到晚喝醉酒。有一天大概又喝醉了,竟然将撒旦哄到树上,又叫撒旦在树上刻了一个十字架,结果撒旦被困在树上下不来。後来Jack 就跟撒旦谈条件,如果撒旦能保证他死後不会进地狱,就会把撒旦弄下来,撒旦果真答应。然而他不入地狱,却也进不了天堂,只好在黑暗世界中不停地游荡。撒旦给他一个大头菜挖空做成的灯笼,里面放着炭火,让他在黑暗的世界中能够找到路。
    As for the origin of pumpkins, with an Irish legend about. Legend has it that in ancienttimes there is a man named Jack, drunk all day long. One day probably drunk again, even to Satan coax the tree, also known as Satan cut a cross in the tree, the result of Satan trapped in the trees get down. Later, Jack told about the conditions of Satan, if Satan can guarantee that he will not enter hell after death, it will get down to Satan, Satan really agree. However, he does not enter hell, but it also can not enter heaven, but to keep wandering in the dark world. Satan made him a hollowed turnip lanterns, which stood charcoal fire and let him in the darkness of the world can be found in the road.
    这种灯笼称为 Jack-o-Lantern,爱尔兰人在庆祝万圣节时,都会提这种灯笼。本来是用大头菜 (turnip )做的,後来爱尔兰人移民到美国之後,发现用南瓜来雕刻更加容易,所以大头菜灯就变成了南瓜灯。
    This lantern is called Jack-o-Lantern, the Irish people in the celebration of Halloween, will mention this lantern. Originally used turnip (turnip) do, and later emigrated to the United States after the Irish people, found it easier to carve with pumpkin, turnip lights so it becomes a pumpkin lights.
    至於 Halloween 这个字的意思,是从 All Hallows Eve (Hallows 指圣人 )而来,即指十一月一日诸圣节的前一天晚上。
    As for the meaning of the word Halloween is derived from All Hallows Eve (Hallows refers to saints), referring to November 1 All Saints' Day the night before.