
    南京地处中国东部、长江下游、濒江近海, 位于江苏省西南部,气候类型为亚热带季风气候。著名景点有中山陵、明孝陵、明城墙、玄武湖、夫子庙、紫金山、鸡鸣寺等。接下来是小编为大家整理的关于南京风景名胜总括英语导游词,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!
    Welcome to Yuhuatai scenic spot. Now we are in the north gate of Yuhuatai scenic area. Before we begin our tour, please listen to me tell a legend.
    The story takes place during the Tianjian period of the Liang Dynasty, when Buddhism was very popular. There were many temples and cigarettes around Yuhuatai. It is said that an eminent monk named master Yun Guang set up an altar to preach scriptures in a place where the peak is high and the forest is deep. The eminent monk has profound Buddhism, and his mouth is full of lotus flowers. Those who hear the Tao are infatuated and gather for several days. On this day, a few colorful clouds floated across the lecturing altar. Suddenly, the sky flashed. In an instant, colorful flowers, like rain, fell down all over the hills. But the way is that the cloud light theory actually makes the God move the true feelings, tears whirling. From then on, the eminent monk's preaching office left the name of Yuhuatai. And the falling seven color flowers turned into the well-known Yuhua stone.
    In fact, the real name of Yuhuatai has to start from geology. You are now standing in the ancient Yangtze River. At that time, the surging river was rolling under our feet. Later, due to the crustal movement, the river channel moved northward, resulting in gravel deposition, which is called "Yuhuashi layer" geologically. The stone is oval in shape, with agate in quality. It is lustrous, crystal clear, multicolored and beautiful in texture. Because the terrain here is high, reaching an altitude of 60 meters, and rich in Yuhuashi, it is called Yuhuatai, which is worthy of the name.
    As Yuhuatai is a commanding height in the south of Nanjing, its geographical location is very important, and it has always been known as the "south gate of Jinling". Since ancient times, Yuhuatai has been a must for military strategists. It was here that sun ce of the eastern Wu Dynasty defeated Liu Yao. During the invasion of Jin soldiers in the Southern Song Dynasty, they camped in Yuhuatai; during the Tianjing defense war of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, during the Xinhai Revolution, they crusaded against the Qing soldiers, and during the "capital defense war" of the Anti Japanese War, they all set off a series of wars. Yuhuatai was devastated by war, desolate and desolate, and the rain did not appear.
    From the legend just now, we must think that Yuhuatai must be a very beautiful place. Yes, in history, Yuhuatai is a famous scenic spot, with undulating hills, verdant trees, flowing water, clear springs, singing birds and fragrant flowers. Literati, poets, emperors and generals of the past dynasties visited the scenic spots and left many well-known poems. According to the records of Danyang in the Southern Song Dynasty, Yuhuatai is the place where people visit in the south of the Yangtze River. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Yuhuatai was listed as one of the 18 scenic spots of Jinling and the 48 scenic spots of Jinling.
    From 1927 to 1949, Yuhuatai wrote another page of startling and weeping. Tens of thousands of outstanding Chinese sons and daughters, for the liberation of the Chinese people and the birth of new China, have sacrificed their precious lives on the rain flower terrace and composed a solemn and stirring song of pioneers with their blood.
    After the founding of the people's Republic of China, in order to remember the martyrs, pursue the sages, educate the future generations and enlighten the future generations, on December 12, 1949, the second session of the first people's Congress of Nanjing made a resolution to build the Yuhuatai Martyrs' cemetery. According to the principle of "greening before construction" in the initial stage of the mausoleum construction, after more than 40 years of afforestation, Yuhuatai scenic spot has planted more than 240 ornamental trees, such as cedar, juniper, Ginkgo biloba, Magnolia, Begonia, Osmanthus fragrans and red maple, with a greening coverage rate of 87%. Since the end of 1970s, the party and the government have invested a lot of money to build large-scale memorial buildings.
    After nearly half a century of planning and construction, Yuhuatai has formed a basic pattern that is not only a solemn and solemn memorial site, but also a pleasant tourist attraction. Today, the solemn, simple, fresh, elegant and beautiful environment in Yuhuatai scenic area, the magnificent memorial buildings across the central axis, and the natural landscape with beautiful scenery in spring, summer, autumn and winter, as well as the rich and colorful cultural landscape with a long history blend with each other.
    Students, we are going to get off here. Well, we've come to the square now.
    At the beginning, Dr. Sun Yat Sen had shown his wish to sleep here before he died. On the day of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's death, a Preparatory Committee for the funeral was set up, in the charge of his wife Song Qingling and his son Sun Ke. At that time, the setting of his old man's mausoleum was still controversial. Some people said that Mr. Sun was an emperor, and his mausoleum should be built according to the emperor's mausoleum, such as Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty and Sun Quan's mausoleum; Some people say that Mr. Sun carried on the past and opened up the future. He overthrew the feudal imperial society for more than 2000 years and established a Democratic Republic. He should be different from the previous emperors, so his mausoleum should be special. In the end, there was no choice but to solicit the design of the tomb from the whole society. Finally, Lu Yanzhi, a young designer from Shandong Province, designed this alarm type scheme and was awarded the first prize.
    Well, we are standing at the bottom of the alarm bell at that time. Behind us is Xiaojing Ding, which was donated by the teachers and students of Sun Yat sen University. When Dr. Sun Yat Sen died, there was a last word that said, "the revolution has not yet been successful, comrades need to work hard, and the alarm bell should ring forever." looking down from the air, we can see many places different from other emperors' mausoleums.
    For example, other emperors' mausoleums will have stone people, stone animals and other sacrifices or Weng Zhong. Of course, Dr. Sun Yat Sen can't have such things. OK, let's take a look at this half moon shaped alarm square. There are eight cedar trees in Nanjing. These eight cedars represent the eight soldiers guarding the mausoleum for Dr. Sun Yat Sen. When the Kuomintang was liberated in Nanjing in those years, they all withdrew to the south, but the soldiers guarding the mausoleum for Dr. Sun Yat Sen did not withdraw until the soldiers of the Communist Party came and handed over. Then some people guess whether Dr. Sun Yat Sen's mausoleum is in this place, whether it's in Guangdong or in Zhongshan. There are many kinds of opinions, so there must be no doubt that his mausoleum and his body are here.
    In front of this square, there is a memorial archway, which still follows the architectural style of ancient emperors' mausoleums. The memorial archway is used to sing praises. Well, there are two words "fraternity" on the top of the memorial archway, written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen himself. In fact, it is also a high degree of generalization and portrayal of the elderly. Well, please see, the two pillars in the middle of this fraternity square are a little different. The second one is connected to the middle. Once, Zhongshan Mausoleum was bombed by the Japanese, and this one was added later.
    Now we are at lingmen. First of all, the color of tiles is blue. Some time ago, I told you that in Chinese garden architecture and Chinese tradition, tiles are generally black, because they belong to water in the five elements. Water can suppress fire, which can prevent fire. In the traditional Chinese concept of the five elements, why is it blue? Because the representative color of the Kuomintang is blue, which represents the day and the sky. We can see that the upper part of the mausoleum gate in the middle is broken. Why is it broken? There are many theories. Some say that it was blown up by the Japanese. Others say that there was not enough money when it was built. In fact, there was a little error in the design at that time, It was made up later. Later, the money was donated by the people of Nanjing. When Lien Chan came to the mainland last year, he went this way just like us.
    Why did Lien Chan and James Soong first go to Zhongshan Mausoleum when they came to the mainland? Because Sun Yat Sen is not only the father of China, but also the father of Taiwan, because a series of his ideas are recognized by us. When Mr. Lian Zhan came to Zhongshan Mausoleum, he wrote four words: beautiful mausoleum in Zhongshan. His name is written on the back, just six words, and Mr. Lian Zhan has written three wrong words. Why? His education level is not high? Ha ha, I'm kidding.
    The beautiful words of Meiling in Zhongshan are missing one horizontal. Why is it missing one horizontal? It's because Mr. Lian Zhan thinks that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have not yet been reunified, and there is not enough in the United States. The word "Ling" is missing. The following is another word. Why isn't it beside the anti article? Because he wants to tell the mainland government that the KMT government in Taiwan has always recognized one China, and he came to China 60 years later. The word "war" is a little less, because the word "war" means "Zhan" and "Ge", which means "war". He didn't say that the Chinese don't fight the Chinese. Nanjing is a heavy city, but the reason is that its historical and cultural foundation is too deep.
    Hello, tourists! Welcome to the national defense park.
    Nanjing National Defense Park was built in August 1992, covering a total area of 300 mu. Now you can see that the five gold-plated characters on the gate tower are the names of the park specially inscribed by General Secretary Jiang Zemin before the construction of the park.
    The national defense park is located as far away as jinlingyi castle built by King Wei of Chu in 333 B.C.; later, in view of the dangerous situation of stone mountain, Sun Quan of the eastern Wu Dynasty built stone city and beacon tower on the former site of jinlingyi in 212 A.D. in order to guard the gateway of Jiankang; in the Yixi period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he also built "entering Han tower", which became an important military town of Jiankang; At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the stone city was rebuilt. In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang expanded the famous Nanjing city wall to reinforce and repair the stone city.
    Now there is a city wall more than one kilometer at the foot of the west side of the mountain, which is the original of history. There is a huge stone on the city wall, which looks like a grim face due to the weathering of nature. Therefore, this section of Shicheng site, also known as the ghost face city, is an important part of the famous Shicheng scenic spot and has been listed as a key cultural relic protection unit in Jiangsu Province. In 1975, Comrade Deng Xiaoping, then Vice Premier of the State Council, made a special trip to accompany DPRK Prime Minister Kim Il Sung.
    The former military area has become a famous place for national defense education and patriotism education in Nanjing. It is composed of the national defense education Museum, the military arms Museum, the British Model Museum, the national defense science and Technology Museum, the heavy weapons field, the simulation exercise field and the military sports entertainment park. The name of the "National Defense Education Museum" was inscribed by Liu Huaqing, former vice chairman of the Military Commission; the name of the "arms and services Museum" was inscribed by Chi Haotian, Minister of national defense; Zhang Aiping, Jiang Weiqing, Du Ping, Xiang Shouzhi and other leaders also inscribed the words for the national defense park.
    On the right lawn, the monument to the model city of double support was specially made by collecting the handwriting of Comrade Deng Xiaoping after Nanjing won the title of "model city of double support" in 1993, 1994 and 1997. The clenching of the two hands symbolizes that the army and the people go hand in hand; she is like a mouth, symbolizing that the army and the people depend on each other.
    Now, on the second floor of the exhibition hall, we see the newly opened exhibition hall of Shenzhou spacecraft. In the hall, the model of Shenzhou spacecraft successfully launched and recovered by China is displayed. It is one-third of the original size and is specially made for Nanjing by the State Aerospace Industry Corporation. This is the first public exhibition of Shenzhou simulation model in China, which is not easy for ordinary people It's visible. This model is as like as two peas of Shenzhou spacecraft. This time, you can see and take a photo of yourself. At the same time, a large number of Long March rockets and spacecraft photos and text materials are also displayed in the exhibition hall. This kind of visit is also rare.
    At the back of the exhibition hall is the most interesting and exciting newly opened "space travel hall". Through the large-scale dynamic platform and wide screen film specially made by the Ministry of space, it uses high-tech sound, light, electricity, 3D animation and simulation means to make the audience vibrate with the seat swing left and right, up and down, and back and forth. With the tacit understanding of the screen vision technology, you can realistically ride in the spaceship and have a tense and comfortable, thrilling and ethereal "space" ride Travel "makes you feel personally and unprecedentedly. "Travel in space, have fun.". Please don't miss this rare opportunity. You may as well experience it yourself.
    Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, on behalf of all the staff of China Travel Agency, I would like to express my warm welcome to you for your visit to GuangGuan in Nanjing. Here, I would like to introduce myself. My surname is Wang. You can call me Xiao Wang or director Wang in the next trip. I will be in line with the principle of "guests first, service first" to do a good job of service for you. At the same time, I hope my work can get your cooperation and support, so as to promote the improvement of our service quality, so that you can have a good time and go smoothly.
    Nanjing has a long history and beautiful scenery. We are looking forward to your appreciation. May this trip to Nanjing be your holiday paradise. Here I wish you all have a good time in your next trip. If you are satisfied, you will come back.
    Nanjing, abbreviated as "Ning", is located in the rich Yangtze River Delta and the vast Jianghuai plain in the north. It is the capital of Jiangsu Province, the economic, political and cultural center of the whole province. It is also one of the central cities in the Yangtze River Delta and one of the central cities in the Yangtze River Basin. Nanjing covers an area of 6598 square kilometers and has a population of nearly 8 million. The climate belongs to the north subtropical monsoon climate zone, so the climate is mild and humid with abundant rainfall and four distinct seasons. Nanjing is surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side. It is surrounded by mountains and water. It has always been a place for military strategists. Known as "Zhongshan dragon plate, Shicheng Huju," said.
    Nanjing also has a very long history. It is one of the four famous ancient capitals in China. It is known as "Jiangnan beautiful land, Jinling imperial state". In the Three Kingdoms period, the eastern Wu Dynasty, and later the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Qi Dynasty, Liang Dynasty and Chen Dynasty successively established their capitals here, so Nanjing is known as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. Then in the Southern Tang Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Republic of China successively established their capitals here, so Nanjing was also known as the capital of the ten dynasties.
    Nanjing is not only an old city, but also a new developing city. Nanjing is also a comprehensive industrial base in the east of China. Its pillar industries include electronics, automobile, petrochemical, steel and electric power. Nanjing is also a national garden city, a national excellent tourist city and a national health city.
    Nanjing has the world cultural heritage of Ming Xiaoling, Zhongshan Mausoleum, Confucius Temple and other national 5A scenic spots and a number of 4A scenic spots. At the same time, there are more than 200 scenic spots, and a large number of tourists from south to North come here for sightseeing. Therefore, Nanjing is a modern central city with mountains, water, city and culture as a whole, full of economic vitality, cultural characteristics and beautiful living environment. It is a riverside city integrating the characteristics of ancient capital and modern civilization.
    The beauty of Nanjing's scenery lies in the fact that it is surrounded by mountains and water. It is not only a place full of mountains and rivers, but also a place of "ten dynasties ancient capital" culture. Its natural landscape and long history complement each other. There are more than 50 famous scenic spots and nearly 200 cultural relics in the city. It can be divided into ten scenic spots, namely Zhongshan scenic spot, Qinhuai scenic belt, Chengxi scenic spot, Dajiang scenic spot, Qixia mountain scenic spot, southern suburb scenic spot, Tangshan ancient culture scenic spot, Lianghu scenic spot (including Lishui Wuxiang Temple tourist resort), liangpu scenic spot (including pearl spring tourist resort) and urban scenic spot.
    1. Zhongshan Scenic Area
    Nanjing is a famous scenic spot. It is one of the 44 scenic spots announced by the State Council. It is located in the Northeast suburb of Nanjing. There are more than 50 scenic spots available for sightseeing in the whole area. Centered on Zhongshan Mausoleum and Xuanwu Lake, there are Zijin Mountain, Xuanwu Lake, Ming Dynasty city wall and so on. It has a multi-level landscape of mountain, water, city, forest and building. The scenery is beautiful and magnificent.
    Zhongshan Mausoleum is the mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the great revolutionary forerunner of our country. It is located at the south foot of the second peak of Zijin Mountain. Dr. Sun Yat Sen died in Beijing on March 12, 1925. According to his wish, he was buried here on June 1, 1929. In addition to the main building of the mausoleum, there are also some memorial buildings around it, which were invested and built by people from all walks of life and overseas Chinese at that time in memory of Sun Yat Sen.
    Built in 1932 in the southeast of Zhongshan Mausoleum square, the music platform is a semicircle with a height of about 3 meters. The large wall behind the platform is 11.3 meters high and 16.7 meters wide, which is used to collect sound. The auditorium is fan-shaped, and the architectural layout is the first in China.
    Meiling palace is located on Xiaohong mountain, 200 meters to the east of Sifang city of Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty. It was completed in 1933. It was originally planned to be the residence of the president of the national government. Later, it was changed into the rest room of senior officials visiting the mausoleum of Zhongshan Mausoleum. In 1947, after the Kuomintang government moved back to Nanjing from Chongqing, it was Chiang Kai Shek's official residence. Because Chiang and Song Meiling often came here for rest and vacation, it was called Meiling palace.
    Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty is located at the foot of Mt. Qomolangma in Dulong County, Zijin Mountain, adjacent to Zhongshan Mausoleum in the East. It is the mausoleum of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, and one of the largest mausoleums of emperors in ancient China. The layout of Xiaoling is magnificent and the regulations are strict. The Shinto of Xiaoling has a long and winding precedent, and has influenced the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The existing Xiama square, stele Pavilion, stone beast, Wangzhu, wengzhong stone man, "Zhilong Tang Song" stele hall, Fangcheng and Baocheng are 2.62 km deep.
    Linggu Temple is located at the south foot of Zhongshan Mountain. It was originally built on dulongfu at the West foot of Zhongshan Mountain. It was built in the Liang Dynasty (515) of the Southern Dynasty to bury the remains of master Baozhi, a famous monk. The name of Linggu Temple was drafted by Zhu Yuanzhang himself. Today's Linggu Temple was built in the sixth year of Tongzhi reign of the Qing Dynasty. There is a memorial hall for master Xuanzang in the temple, which contains the most precious parietal bone relics of master Xuanzang in the world. The wuliangdian (now Linggu park scenic spot) built in Ming Dynasty is the first brick structure wuliangdian in China.
    Zhongshan Botanical Garden is located at the south foot of Zhongshan Mountain, formerly known as premier's Mausoleum Memorial botanical garden. Founded in 1929, it is the first national botanical garden in China, covering an area of 187 hectares. It has collected and cultivated more than 3000 kinds of plants. It is one of the four key botanical gardens in China, and also a base for botanical research, appreciation and popularization of botanical knowledge.
    Zijinshan Observatory is located in the third peak of Zijinshan, formerly known as the Institute of astronomy of Academia Sinica. It was built in 1934 and enjoys high reputation at home and abroad. The observatory displays such ancient astronomical instruments as armillary sphere, simple instrument, guibiao, small astrometer, small horizon theodolite and Louhu, which are transported from Beijing Ancient Observatory.
    Xuanwu Lake is located in the northeast of Nanjing City, close to the downtown area, known as "Sangpo" in ancient times. The total area of the park is 472 hectares, surrounded by mountains and waves, which are the cream of Jinling beauty. There are places of interest such as the famous writer and scientist Guo Pu's tomb in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the former site of Liang Yuan, Prince Liang Zhaoming of the Southern Dynasty.
    Taicheng, 253.15 meters long, is located on the South Bank of Xuanwu Lake, behind Jiming temple. It was the Forbidden City of the Imperial Palace in the Six Dynasties. "The most merciless is the willow in Taicheng, which is still a ten mile dike.". When scholars of all ages came to Jinling, they could never forget to visit Taicheng, leaving behind many unforgettable poems. The present section of the ancient city was built when Zhu Yuanzhang expanded the capital.
    Jiming temple is located at the east end of the Arctic Pavilion. It was built in the first year of Yongkang (300) of the Western Jin Dynasty. After the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was designated as Tingwei department. After the Southern Dynasties, it became a real Buddhist resort.
    In the first year of Datong (527), Xiao Yan, the emperor of Liang Dynasty, built Tongtai temple in jimingdai, which is opposite to Taicheng (Palace City). There is an ancient well in the east of the temple, which is said to be Jingyang well of the Chen Dynasty. The empress Chen's master Shubao, his concubines Zhang Lihua and Kong Guibin once took refuge in this well. They were found by Sui soldiers and captured. It is said that Zhang Lihua was pulled out of the well by Sui generals, and his lips knocked on the well fence, leaving a thousand year old rouge Trace, so far with silk swab column, stone vein still show rouge. A dry well, a stone tablet, but can not wash away the historical humiliation and ridicule, so also known as humiliating well. Because of years of lightning strikes and war disasters, the historic sites have been built and destroyed, and now they have disappeared.
    But later generations mistakenly called an ancient well beside Jiming Temple "ancient Rouge well", which is not a disgrace well. During the 20th year of Hongwu (1387) of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of Ming Dynasty, ordered the old house of Guyu to be demolished and expanded. A temple was built on the mountain with the title of "Jiming Temple". Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty wrote "Jiming historic site" in calligraphy for temples during his southern tour.
    Guanyin in Guanyin building of Jiming temple is different from others. It is a statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva sitting upside down (facing north). The couplet on the niche says the reason: "ask the Bodhisattva why he sits upside down and sigh that all living beings are unwilling to turn back." In 1990, the "pharmacist pagoda" was rebuilt, which is the fifth large Pagoda in the history of Jiming temple. It was burned in early 2011, leaving only a reinforced concrete skeleton. There are also four niches in the middle of each floor of the pagoda, which are carved with Phoebe in the Ming Dynasty. They were originally relics of Zhongnanhai in Beijing. Each niche has a statue of Phoebe pharmacist Buddha. Today, dozens of Buddhist nuns live in Jiming temple, so it is the only nunnery in the southeast coast of China.