
    (1)用but for 、without(如果没有)等来代替条件从句。
    ?Without electricity human life would be quite different.
    =If there were no electricity, human life would be quite different.
    (2)用otherwise、or(or else)、even though等表示与上文的情况相反,从而引出虚拟语气。
    ?I lost your address. Otherwise, I would have visited you long before.
    =I lost your address. If I hadn’t lost your address, I would have visited you long before.  
    ?He would have given you more help,but he was too busy. 他本来会给你更多的帮助,但是他太忙了。
    也就是说,如果那时他不忙,他可以给你更多的帮助。句中but he was too busy实际上暗示了一个虚拟条件——如果那时他不忙。
    ?He would lose weight,but he eats too much. 他本来可以减肥的,但是他吃得太多了。
    也就是说,如果他吃得不多的话,他是可以减肥的。句中的but he eats too much实际上暗示了一个虚拟条件——如果他吃得不多。
    ?Her mother suggested that she should go and see the doctor.她妈妈建议她去看医生。
    ★ suggest表"暗示",insist表"坚持认为"时不用虚拟语气。
    ?He insisted that I had read his letter. 他坚持说我看过他的信。
    ?He insisted that I should read his letter. 他坚持要我看他的信。
    ?He suggested that we (should) stay for dinner. 他建议我们留下吃饭。
    ?I suggested that you had a secret understanding with him. 我觉得你与他心照不宣。 
    常见句型:It is important/necessary/urgent/essential/ ... + that...
    It is sb’s order/desire/suggestion/advice/ ... + that...
    It is suggested/advised/demanded/requested/ ... + that
    ?It is ordered that the army (should) get there by 4 a.m. 军队必须在上午4点之前到达那里。
    ?It is necessary that we (should) clean the room every day. 我们每天打扫房间是有必要的。
    ?It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put off till next week.人们建议会议推迟到下周。
    ?His demand is that the boy should go with him.他要求这个男孩和他一起去。
    ?Our suggestion is that you (should) be the first to go. 我们的建议是你应该第一个去。
    ?He issued the order that the troops (should) withdraw at once. 他命令部队马上撤退。
    1.would rather后的宾语从句中,表示愿望,意为"宁愿;但愿"。用一般过去时表示与现在或将来事实相反;用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反。
    ?I would rather he had passed the exam.
    2.在"It is (about/high) time+that从句"中,谓语动词常用过去式或"should+动词原形"表示虚拟语气,注意should不可省略。
    ?It’s high time that we devoted ourselves to environmental protection.
    3.as if,as though引导的表语从句和方式状语从句中常用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反用一般过去时;与过去事实相反用过去完成时。
    ?They talked and talked as if they would never meet again.
    4.if only引导的感叹句中,用虚拟语气表示愿望。
    ?Look at the trouble we’re in.If only we had taken our teacher’s advice!