
    . 没有比时间更容易虚掷,更值得珍惜的事,倘若没有时间,我们在世上将一事无成。 必须记住我们学习的时间有限的。时间有限,不只由于人生短促,更由于人事纷繁。珍惜时间,好好学习,以下是小编给大家整理的高三英语第一轮模拟考知识点,希望能帮助到你!
    1. 对在句中作时间、条件、原因还是别的状语不是很清楚。
    1. 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、让步、条件,方式或伴随状况。通常可转换成相应的状语从句;表示方式或伴随状况时可以转换成并列句或非限制性定语从句。例如:
    Put into use in April 2000 (=When it was put into use in April 2000), the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. 分词短语作时间状语
    Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network (=Because she was blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network), Alice was in low spirits. 分词短语作原因状语
    Given time (=If he is given time), he’ll make a fist-class tennis player. 分词短语作条件状语
    We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, thinking that all children like these things. (= and think that all children like these things.) 分词短语作伴随状语
    2. 有时为了强调,分词前可带when, while, if, though, as if, unless等连词一起作状语,以便使句子的意思更清楚、更连贯。例如:
    When comparing different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.
    Though tired, he still continued reading.
    3. 现在分词和过去分词作状语时的用法比较。
    When compared with the size of the whole earth , the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.
    分词部分相当于When the biggest ocean is compared with the size of the whole earth, 主语与分词是被动关系,所以用过去分词。
    When comparing it with the size of the whole earth, we find that the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.
    When we compare it with the size of the whole earth... 主语与分词是主动关系, 所以用现在分词。
    Faced with a bill for$10,000(=Because he is faced with a bill for$10,000), John has taken an extra job.
    Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always saying the same thing (= and he would say the same thing).
    1. 现在分词有两种时态:一般式doing和完成式having done。一般式通常表示与主句的谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或无先后;完成式则强调分词所表示的动作先于谓语动词所表示的动作。如:
    While walking in the street, we met some friends of ours.(同时发生)
    Having waited in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. (“等待”先于谓语动词“意识到”)
    2. 分词的否定式的构成: not +分词。 Not having received a reply, he decided to write again.
    1) quite 相当;quiet 安静地
    2) affect v. 影响, 假装;effect n. 结果, 影响
    3) adapt 适应;adopt 采用;adept 内行
    4) angel 天使;angle 角度
    5) dairy 牛奶厂;diary 日记
    6) contend 奋斗, 斗争;content 内容, 满足的;context 上下文;contest 竞争, 比赛
    7) principal 校长, 主要的;principle 原则
    8) implicit 含蓄的;explicit 明白的
    9) dessert 甜食;desert 沙漠v 放弃;dissert 写论文
    10) pat 轻拍;tap 轻打;slap 掌击;rap 敲,打
    11) decent 正经的;descent n 向下, 血统;descend v 向下
    12) sweet 甜的;sweat 汗水
    13) later 后来;latter 后者;latest 最近的;lately adv 最近
    14) costume 服装;custom 习惯
    15) extensive 广泛的;intensive 深刻的
    16) aural 耳的;oral 口头的
    17) abroad 国外;aboard 上(船,飞机)
    1. Since从句为非延续性动词的过去时或现在完成时,时间的起点应该从从句动作完成时刻算起。
    Things have changed a lot since I wrote to you last time.
    She has lived with us since she has come here.
    2. Since从句为延续性动词的一般过去时,表示动作或状态的结束。其含义与动词的词义恰好相反,具有否定意味。
    All has changed since he was at home.
    I haven’t written to her since she lived in London.
    He has never been to see me since I was ill.
    Two years have passed since I last smoked.
    He has never been to see me since I have been ill.
    She has talked little since she has stayed at home.
    Since we have owned a car, we have gone camping every year.
    3. 在现代英语中,since从句是延续性动词的一般过去时,有时候也可以表示肯定意味。此时,多半用ever来加强since的语义。
    She has known me ever since she was a child.
    I have live here ever since I was born.
    4. 在it is+时间+since从句结构中,since从句是非延续性动词的一般过去时,含有肯定意味。
    It is three years since her husband left her.
    It is over sixty years since the People’s Republic of China was established.
    5. 在it is+时间+since从句结构中,since从句是延续性动词的一般过去时,含有否定的意味。
    It is three years since she stayed here.
    How long is it since you were a league member?
    6. 在it is+时间+since从句结构中,since从句是现在完成时或过去完成时,均含有否定意味。
    It is five years since we have seen her.
    It was years since I had seen her.
    It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.
    It is four years since I have smoked a cigarette. 我已经4年不抽烟了。
    不可说:It is four years since I haven’t smoked a cigarette.
    I haven’t been out anywhere since I don’t know how long.
    Her mother died when she was a child.
    不可说:Her mother has died since she was a child.
    She has lived with us since her mother died three years ago.
    不可说:She has lived with us three years since her mother died.
    ④在It was five years ago since his father died. 一句中的since用错了,因为在含有ago的时间范畴里,已经有了从过去的一个时间点以来的时间,即已有了since的时间范畴,所以再用since是多余的。
    It was five years ago that his father died.
    It is five years since his father died.