
    1.An old friend of mine is coming to see me,Hobo.霍波,我的一位老朋友要来看我。
    an old friend of mine意为“我的一位老朋友"。
    如:a pen of Jim’s(吉姆的 一支钢笔),a book of hers(她的一本书)。
    2.Is it enough for a can of dog foo d?这钱够买一听狗粮吗?
    此处的for相当于to buy a can of dog food意为“一听狗粮"。
    3.Shopping is fun.购物真有趣。
    句中shopping是动名词作主语。此结构可以 转换成:It is fun to shop.
    如:Running and swimming are good for US.跑步和游泳对我们有好处。
    1.Chinese paintings 中国油画
    2.at the museum 在博物馆
    3.1earn all about 全面了解
    4.row a boat 划船
    5.how far 多远
    6.each other 互相
    7.go shopping 去购物
    8.on a farm 在农场
    9.hear the birds sing 听到鸟儿歌唱
    10.raise cows 养牛
    11.show sb.Around 带领某人参观
    12.a wonderful place to live 一个居住的好地方
    1、can't stand无法忍受
    stand(1)vt.容忍,忍受(=bear) 进行时,尤其用于否定句或疑问句中,强调不喜欢,常与cancould等情态动词连用。
    句型: can't stand sth.不能忍受某物
    can't stand doing sth.不能忍受做某事
    can't stand sb.doing sth.不能忍受某人做某事
    I can't stand the hot weather.我忍受不了炎热的天气。
    I can't stand living here any longer.我不能忍受继续呆在这儿了。
    He can't stand her making the same mistake again.他忍受不了她又犯同样的错误。
    There stands a big tree on the top of the mountain.山顶上有一颗大树。
    2、I like to follow the story and see what happens next.我喜欢跟随故事看接下来发生什么。
    1.follow vt.跟随(=go after)following adj接着的,其次的
    Spring follows winter.冬去春来。 句型follow sb. to do sth.跟着某人做某事
    His mother followed him to see where he was going.他妈妈跟着他,看他要去哪儿。
    (1)follow vt.遵循,仿效
    短语:follow one's advice听从某人的劝告
    follow one's example学某人的榜样
    You should follow your teacher's advice and work hard.你应该听老师的劝告,努力学习。
    (2)follow vt.听懂,听清
    I'm afraid I can't follow you,sir. Could you please speak more slowly?先生,我没听清,您能说更慢点吗?
    2.happen vi."发生",与take place同义。
    I don't know how this happened.我不知道这事是怎么发生的。
    句型:sth. happen+地点|时间状语 某时某地发生了某事
    sth. happen to sb.某人发生了什么事
    sth. happen to do sth.某人碰巧做某事
    A car accident happened to her this morning.今天上午她出了车祸。
    He happened to meet a friend of his on the street yesterday afternoon.
    辨析:happen与take place
    happen指偶然的、计划外的事情发生。 take place指计划中的事情发生。
    What happened when you told him the news?你告诉他这个消息时,他有何反应? Great changes have taken place in my hometown.我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。