
    He is taller than I.(口语中常作:He is taller than me.)
    He is two heads taller than I.
    二、在which, or?句中,表示两者比较:
    Which is bigger, the sun or the moon?
    Its getting darker and darker.
    He is getting more and more interested in sports.
    四、The more, the more:
    The more you eat, the more you want.
    五、形容词比较级前可受 much, far, a lot, still, no, a little, even, any 修饰,表示超出的程度:
    We have a much better life now.
    The buildings look far uglier in London than here.
    This story is even more interesting than that one.
    I made a lot more mistakes than you (did)。
    Your cake is a little larger than mine.
    Its still colder today.
    -Have you any more? -Oh, sorry, no more.
    Shes no better yet.
    1) 若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态 时,该不定式前要加"to"。此类动词为感官动词。
    feel, hear, help, listen to, look at, make, observe, see, notice, watch
    The teacher made me go out of the classroom。
    --> I was made to go out of the classroom (by the teacher)。
    We saw him play football on the playground。
    --> He was seen to play football on the playground。
    2) 情态动词+ be +过去分词,构成被动语态。
    Coal can be used to produce electricity for agriculture and industry。
    ②以s,x,sh,ch为结尾的词在词尾加es, es读作【iz】
    ③以f ,fe为结尾的词去掉f或fe加ves,ves读作【vz】
    ④以辅音加y 结尾的词,变y 为ies
    Man-men,woman-women ,policeman-policemen,
    Chinese-chinese,Japanese-japanese, sheep -sheep ,deer -deer
    ⑧This 这个—these这些(复数), that那个—— those那些(复数), I我—— we我们(复数), he他 、she她、 it它 ——they他、它、她们(复数) am ,is是—— are(复数)
    1. play 与球类搭配时,中间不加the
    例如: play football 踢足球
    play basketball 打篮球
    2. play 与乐器搭配时, 中间要加the
    例如: play the flute 吹笛子、演奏笛子
    play the drums 打鼓
    注:play 与乐器搭配时, 中间加the,但是也可以加像her, his, my, your, 等形容词性物主代词。这一点将在以后学形容词性物主代词时再讲解,暂时了解就可以。
    play the football 错误
    play the basketball 错误
    play flute 错误
    play drums 错误
    3. 要想表达:“在某个季节”,那么直接在季节前加in
    例如: in spring 在春季
    in summer 在夏季
    in autumn 在秋季
    in winter 在冬季
    in the summer (错误)
    at winter (错误)
    at the spring (错误)
    on autumn (错误)
    4. 要想表达:“在早、中、 晚”,那么用in the 再加上早中晚
    例如: in the morning 在早晨、在上午
    in the afternoon 在中午、在下午
    in the evening 在晚上
    in morning (错误)
    at afternoon (错误)
    in evening (错误)
    注: night 特殊, 要用at
    例如: at night 在晚上
    5. 在几点钟前面要用at,无论是整点、半点、还是几点几分,都在时间前直接加at。
    例如: at five o’clock 在五点
    at half past eleven 在十一点半
    at twelve ten 在十二点十分
    常见的错误:at the five o’clock 错误
    in half past ten 错误
    on the ten o’clock 错误
    6. 在城市、国家等大地点前面直接加in,并且城市、国家的首字母需要大写。
    例如:in China 在中国
    in England 在英国
    in Beijing 在北京
    in Daqing 在大庆
    in the China (错误)
    at England (错误)
    on Beijing (错误)
    at the Daqing (错误)
    7. 什么事第三人称单数?
    (1) he
    (2) she
    (3) it
    (4) 一个名字如:Daming,Amy, Lingling 等等
    (5)能用he, she, it 代替的词, 如my father (可以用he 代替)
    my mother (可以用she 代替)
    the little cat (可以用it 代替)
    8 第三人称单数的用法:
    例如: She likes English. (因为主语she 是第三人称单数)
    My father goes to work by bus.
    (因为主语 my father 是第三人称单数)
    The little boy reads books at the weekend.
    (因为主语 the little boy 是第三人称单数)
    He listens to CDs in the morning.
    (因为主语 he 是第三人称单数)
    I like English.
    ( like 不需要变成likes, 因为I 不是第三人称单数)。
    You read books in the evening.
    (read不需要变成reads, 因为you 不是第三人称单数)。
    They play football in the afternoon.
    (play 不需要变成plays, 因为they 不是第三人称单数)。
    We watch TV at the weekend.
    ( watch 不需要变成watches, 因为we不是第三人称单数)。
    Lingling and Sam play basketball at the park.
    ( paly不需要变成plays, 因为Lingling and Sam不是第三人称单数)。
    9. 用什么提问,就用什么回答
    例如:(1) Do you like basketball?
    Yes, I do.\ Yes, we do.
    No, I don't. \ No, we don’t.
    因为Do 提问,所以, do 回答。
    (2)Does he play with Amy?
    Yes, he does. \ No, he doesn’t.
    因为Does提问,所以does 回答。
    (3) Is he ten?
    Yes, he is.\ No, he isn’t.
    注: 用Are you 提问特殊
    例如:Are you a boy ?
    Yes,I am. \ No, I am not.
    Yes, we are. \ No, we are not.
    因为you 有两个意思。
    当“你”讲时, 回答要用I , 因此后面要加am
    当“你们”讲时,回答要用we, 因此后面要加 are
    10. 表示乘坐某种交通工具,用by 直接加交通工具
    例如: by bus 坐公交画车
    by car 做小汽车
    by bike 骑自行车
    by train 坐火车
    by plane 坐飞机
    by boat\ by ship 乘船
    常见错误: by the bike
    by a train
    11. 表示想要做某事, 用want to 加动词原形
    例如:I want to watch TV.
    They want to go to Beijing.
    He wants to have breakfast. (因为he 是第三人称单数,所以want要加s, 又因为want to 后面要求加动词原形,所以用have,不用has)
    例如:I want a book.
    He wants two desks.
    12. 节日、城市、国家、人名等词叫专有名词,它们的首字母都要大写。
    例如: China 中国
    Beijing 北京
    Christmas 圣诞节
    Lingling 玲玲
    13. football 和 footballer的区别
    例如常考题型:(1)I play _____.
    A football B footballer
    (2)I am a ______.
    A football B footballer
    14. 本册书其他常考短语:
    at the weekend 在周末
    on holiday 度假
    at Chinese New Year 在中国新年(指的是在春节)
    at New Year 在新年 (指的是在元旦)
    listen to CDs 听唱片
    listen to music 听音乐
    watch TV 看电视
    15 送给某人某件礼物或物品时要用for
    例如:A present for you. 送你一件礼物。
    A book for you. 送你一本书。
    An eraser for you. 送你一块橡皮。
    Two pens for you. 送你两支钢笔。
    Ten rulers for you. 送你两把尺子。
    回答时用Thank you.
    16. 询问时间用:What’s the time?
    回答用:It’s -----.
    例如:-- What’s the time?
    --It’s five o’clock.
    -- What’s the time?
    --It’s half past nine..