
    1.My grandma usually________(cook).
    2.Today my mother is_________(go)shopping.
    3.Now we are__________(help)UncleWang.
    4.What do you usually_________(do)onSundays?
    5.Today he isn‘t__________(play)football.
    1.go straight on2.turn left
    3.turn right
    I like swimming.
    It’s over there.
    I live in Apple Street.
    She is singing a song.
    I usually ride my bike.
    A.What do you usually do on Sundays?
    B.What‘s Amy doing now?
    C.Where do you live?
    D.Excuse me,where is the toilet?
    1.Clean the bicylce, please. 请把自行车弄干净。
    2.Clean the classroom, please. 请把教室弄干净。
    3.Sweep the classroom, please. 请把教室扫一扫。
    4.Sweep the road, please. 请把马路扫一扫。
    5.Where do you live? I live in Songjiang. I love Songjiang.
    你居住在哪里? 我居住在松江。  我爱松江。
    6.Where do you live? I live in Jiading. I love Jiading.
    你居住在哪里? 我居住在嘉定。  我爱嘉定。
    7.This is my mother. She is a nurse.  I love my mother.
    这是你的母亲。 她是一名护士。 我爱我的母亲
    8.That is my father. He is a postman.    I love my father.
    那是我的父亲。 他是一名邮递员。 我爱我的父亲。
    9.I love my teacher. I love my school.
    我爱我的老师。 我爱我的学校。
    10.I use the bin every day. 我每天都使用垃圾箱。
    11.I use my rubber every day. 我每天都使用我的橡皮。
    12.I eat an apple every day. 我每天吃一只苹果。
    13.I keep the desk clean! 我保持书桌干净!
    14.Wash your hands. Keep your hands clean.
    洗你的手。   保持你的手干净。
    15.Wash the apple. Keep it clean.
    16.The building is tall. The bin is short.
    大楼是高的。  垃圾箱是矮的。
    17.I like to play in the park. 我喜欢去公园玩。
    18.Go to the door. Pick up the paper. Put it in the bin.
    去门那里。  捡起纸头。   把它放进垃圾箱里。
    19.Point to your grandmother. Say“I love you”.
    指向你的祖母。     说“我爱你”。
    20.Point to your grandfather. Say “I love you”.
    Show your passport, please.
    He didn't say anything.
    How many do you want? - I want two.
    你要几个?- 我要两个。
    They sent the injured to hospital.
    They asked to see my passport.
    I enjoy working with you.
    Did you write down what he said?