
    (一)喜欢和不喜欢句型:(module 1-2)
    (1)A:What do you like? (你喜欢什么) What does he/she like? (他/她喜欢什么?)
    B:I like jigsaws. (我喜欢拼图) He/She likes bikes.(他/她喜欢自行车)
    (2)A:Do you like dolls? (你喜欢娃娃吗?)
    B:Yes, I do./No, I don‘t. (是的,我喜欢/不,我不喜欢)
    (3)I don’t like this party. (我不喜欢这个聚会)
    He/She dosen‘t like these shoes. (他/她不喜欢这双鞋)
    (二)have句型:(module 3)
    (1)We have English in the morning. (早上我们有英语课)
    (2)Do you have Maths in the afternoon? (下午你有数学课吗?)
    Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (是的,我有。/不,我没有)
    (三)时间句型:(module 4-5)
    (1)A:What‘s the time now? (现在几点了?)
    B:It’s 2 o‘clock. (两点了)
    It’s half past 7. (7点半了)
    (2)A:Is it 5 o‘clock? (是5点吗?)
    B:Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
    (3)I get up at 7 o‘clock in the morning. (我早上7点起床)
    I have breakfast at half past 7 in the morning. (我早上7点半吃早饭)
    (四)有关周末活动的句型:(module 6-7)
    (1)A:What do you do at the weekend? (周末你做什么?)
    B:I watch TV. (我看电视)
    (2)A:Do you play football at the weekend? (你周末踢足球吗?)
    B:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
    (3)A:Where do you play football? (你在哪踢足球?)
    B:I play at the park. (我在公园踢)
    Words and phrases
    play玩耍 playtime游戏时间 football足球
    play football踢足球 fly飞;放飞
    kite风筝 fly a kite=fly kites放风筝
    ride骑 bike自行车 ride a bike=ride bikes骑自行车
    make制作 model模型 plane飞机
    make a model plane=make model planes制作飞机模型
    swim游泳 snowman雪人(复数:snowmen)
    make a snowman=make snowmen堆雪人 can能;会(情态动词)
    can not=can’t不能;不会 look看
    Grammer point
    1.玩球类游戏不加the。Eg,play football
    (play the football是错误的)
    2.can 是情态动词,后面加动词原形。
    否定形式:can后加not cannot=can not=can't
    3.can 的句型
    I can play football.我会踢足球。
    I can’t play football.我不会踢足球。
    Can you play football?你会踢足球吗?
    肯定回答:Yes,I can.是的,我会。
    否定回答:No,I can’t.不,我不会。
    特殊疑问句:I can play football.
    划线提问:What can you do?你会做什么?
    1.Can you swim?你会游泳吗?
    2.Can you play football?你会踢足球吗?
    3.Can you fly a kite?你会放风筝吗?
    4.Can you ride a bike?你会骑自行车吗?
    5.Can you make a model plane?
    6.Can you make a snowman?你会堆雪人吗?
    7.Sorry,I can't.对不起,我不会。
    8.Look!I can swim!看!我会游泳!
    Chants and songs